The Strongest Heroes Are the Weakest Villains Within the Mirror World
English title: The Strongest Heroes Are the Weakest Villains Within the Mirror World
Japanese title: 最強の正義のヒーローは鏡の中では最弱の怪人
Circle: Amulai Sweets Factory

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Tags: Ahegao, Big ass, Big breasts, Futanari, Group sex, Gyaru, Magical Girl, Outdoor sex, TSF, Uncensored
Categories: Erotic
Page count: 37
Year published: .
Comic id: #374
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Triple Saga are the strongest hero unit: brave, unrelenting and determined in their pursuit of justice. But their arch-rival, Lady Yagile, manages to capture them in a Mirror World. In there, everything turns into its opposite: man into a woman, adult into a juvenile, bravery into cowardice and strength into weakness.
And so the strongest hero group, Triple Saga, turns into the weakest villain group, Triple Rose, consisting of three curvy young women serving Yagile and her other grunts as the lowest in the villain hierarchy. At first, the transformation is only physical, but slowly their personalities start getting mirrored too...
*All characters depicted in this work of fiction are adults, regardless of their visual representation or textual description, and are not based on any real person*
1 comments in total.
Comment by: Okugir
Wonderful work, I've always been a fan of heroes being corrupted into villains, and this is one of my personal faves
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